set temp0= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "117"& QUOTE set HyperTextList = [ #5:temp0] set VideoList = [] @ ASPARAGUS A LA BRABANCONNE Peel the asparagus with a peeling knife so as to remove all the fibrous skin, tie up in serveral small bunches with a thread. Cook in boiling salted water, simmer gently until the blade of a knife can go through the asparagus. Uncover the saucepan, add a cup of cold water to keep warm without further cooking. Serve the well drained asparagus on a folded napkin, along with the shelled hard-boiled eggs, still warm or cold, although they are better when they are warm. Melt the butter in a double boiler. Salt, pepper, add the juice of a lemon. Taste before adding a part or all of the juice of the second lemon. Add a tablespoon of the asparagus stock. Whip to mix well. This asparagus dish is usually eaten with a fork, with the egg crushed and sprinkled with hot melted butter. Thus served, the asparagus can be the main dish. @ 5 1/2 lbs to 6 2/3 lbs asparagus 6 or 8 hard-boiled eggs 3/4 cup butter 2 lemons salt, pepper @ 30 mn @ 30 mn @ @ Belgium @ Vegetables @ @ Saumur @